Tips for Replacing C-Frame Motors

Deanna Dicristo May 14, 2019

C-Frame motors are used for many applications in our industry including cooling fans, toaster conveyor belts and refrigeration air movement. Here are a few important tips to understand when replacing these motors.

1 – The motor’s output power is derived from the thickness of the frame itself. The thicker frame means higher power, so a thin frame motor can’t replace a thick frame motor. Make sure you are choosing the correct thickness when replacing a c-frame motor because the thickness dictates the horsepower of the motor. Using a thin frame motor in equipment where a thick frame motor is needed will greatly shorten its life. A good guideline would be to match the thickness of the motor to the one you pull out of the equipment. Pictures A and B show the difference between thick and thin motors.

2 – The motor direction is reversible. Pictures C and D show the copper motor winding on opposite sides of the shaft. This means they will turn opposite direction compared to each other. The direction can be changed by disassembling the motor and flipping the frame over. Making sure the motor shaft is turning in the right direction is important. If it’s turning in the wrong direction, it can cause reduced airflow. Making sure to match the motor you pull out of the equipment with the one you are replacing it with is critical. Consequences of not doing this will be lower air volume or the drive going in the wrong direction.

3 – Check the data tag on your equipment for motor speed. This step is important because you want to replace motors with the same speed. Motors can be purchased at different speeds, so make sure you are purchasing the correct one. Replacing a motor with the incorrect speed will cause your equipment not to run correctly and will cause more issues. For example, in smaller to medium-sized refrigeration units, this could cause coil freeze ups or warmer than normal temperatures, which can lead to ruined food.

With some basic knowledge, and these helpful tips, motor replacement can be easy. Of course, a technician who is more experience in this sort of thing is always recommended to make sure the job is done properly.

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